Assumptions and limitations

We assume that all nodes are using static IPv4 addresses.

A node can be member of only one zone.

Single cluster mode

The OpenShift 4 cluster has 3 k8s zones.

There is no limitation on actual zone names (values of label key).

We assume that there are only master and worker MachineConfigPools (which is the default state of OCP cluster). If you have created another machine config pool such as infra, the network split configuration won’t be able to change firewall rules on nodes in this additional pool.

You have oc command installed and you are logged in as kubeadmin user.

No new cluster nodes joins the cluster later.

Multi cluster cluster mode

A zone in multi cluster mode can contain both OpenShift 4 (RHEL CoreOS) and RHEL machines, and it’s not related to k8s zones which may be defined in any of OpenShift clusters.

In theory, one can define a zone so that it contains only part of the cluster, but in the intended use case there are one or more clusters per zone, with an optional set of additional machines in each zone.

No new nodes joins neither the zones or clusters which are part of the zones.

You have ssh access configured for all nodes of the multi cluster environment, so that one can connect to every node via sheer ssh fqdn command, where fqdn is fully qualified domain name of the node. This requires ssh client configuration and ssh keys.

Network split specific assumptions

While Linux kernel of RHEL CoreOS (RHCOS) uses nftables internally, the iptables cli tool which uses nftables backed is preinstalled on RHCOS hosts of OCP 4 clusters. The firewall script thus assumes that iptables cli tool is available on the nodes of the cluster.

All nodes keep it’s time synchronized via ntp. For OpenShift 4 cluster, see configuring chrony time service.

Latency specific assumptions

Linux traffic control tool iproute-tc and kernel-modules-extra package (which provides sch_netem kernel module) are preinstalled on all RHCOS hosts of the OCP cluster.

All cluster nodes are interconnected on a single network.