OCP Network Split Setup

This simple project provides functionality to block (and unblock) network traffic between OpenShift 4 cluster zones and to optionally create additional network latency among all zones. It’s intended to be used for testing purposes only.

This tool can be used either in single cluster or multi cluster mode. In a single cluster mode, the tool works on top of k8s zones defined in a particular OpenShift 4 cluster. While in multi cluster mode, zones are defined in a custom config file so that one zone can contain multiple OpenShift clusters or even other nodes.

Zone isolation is implemented by updating firewall rules on all nodes, while latency is introduced by setting up netem qdisc traffic queue on all nodes.

This is useful when you need to separate network between given zones, without affecting other traffic and with no assumptions about networking configuration of the platform the cluster is deployed on (under normal conditions, network separation like this could be done by tweaking network components between zones).


The latest version of the documentation you are curretnly reading is available online at gitlab pages: https://mbukatov.gitlab.io/ocp-network-split

Source code repository: https://gitlab.com/mbukatov/ocp-network-split

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