ocpnetsplit package

ocpnetsplit.machineconfig module

This module generates MachineConfig to deploy network-split systemd units, which implements the network split functionality.


ocpnetsplit.machineconfig.create_file_dict(basename, content, target_dir='/etc')

Create Ignition config spec for given file basename and content, to be used in a MachineConfig spec. File will be placed given target_dir, but note that MCO can only change files in /etc and /var directories.

  • basename (str) – basename of the file

  • content (str) – content of the file

  • target_dir (str) – absolute path where to place the file, eg. /etc


Ignition storage file config spec

Return type:



ValueError – if given basename or target_dir is invalid

ocpnetsplit.machineconfig.create_latency_mc_dict(role, latency, latency_spec=None)

Create MachineConfig dict with latency systemd units and scripts.

  • mcp (string) – name of MachineConfig role (and also MachineConfigPool) where the MachineConfig generated by this function should be deployed. Usually master or worker.

  • latency (int) – default zone latency created via Linux Traffic Control in ms

  • ( (latency_spec) – py:class`ocpnetsplit.zone.ZoneLatSpec`): specific latency between given zones (optional).


MachineConfig dict

Return type:



Create file dict with given shell script from ocpnetsplit module.


script_name (string) – name of the shell script


Ignition storage file config spec

Return type:



Create MachineConfig dict with network-split systemd units and scripts.


mcp (string) – name of MachineConfig role (and also MachineConfigPool) where the MachineConfig generated by this function should be deployed. Usually master or worker.


MachineConfig dict

Return type:



Create file dict with given systemd unit file from ocpnetsplit module.


unit_filename (string) – name of the systemd unit file


Ignition storage file config spec

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.machineconfig.create_unit_dict(name, content)

Create Ignition config spec for given systemd unit name and content, to be used in a MachineConfig spec.

  • name (str) – name of systemd unit

  • content (str) – content of the file


Ignition systemd unit config spec

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.machineconfig.create_zone_mc_dict(role, zone_env)

Create MachineConfig dict with network zone config env file.

  • mcp (string) – name of MachineConfig role (and also MachineConfigPool) where the MachineConfig generated by this function should be deployed. Usually master or worker.

  • zone_env (string) – content of network-split.env file with zone configuration, as created by ocpnetsplit.zone.ZoneConfig.get_env_file()


MachineConfig dict

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.machineconfig.get_new_mc(role, name_suffix, priority=99)

Initialize new (almost empty) MachineConfig dict.

  • role (string) – name of MachineConfig role

  • name_suffix (string) – suffix of resulting MachineConfig name

ocpnetsplit.main module

Module with a public API of ocp-network-split project. One can either use the command line tools (as implemented via main functions in this module), or to use the python functions defined here directly.

ocpnetsplit.main.check_split(nodes, split_name, use_ssh=False)

Checks status of split via systemctl list-timers on all nodes of the cluster.

  • nodes (list) – list of all nodes from all zones

  • split_name (str) – network split configuration specification, eg. ab, see ocpnetsplit.zone.NETWORK_SPLITS constant

  • use_ssh (bool) – if true, connect to the nodes via ssh; use oc debug node otherwise


ValueError – when invalid split_name is specified

ocpnetsplit.main.get_networksplit_mc_spec(zone_env=None, split=False, latency=0, latency_spec=None)

Create MachineConfig spec to install network split firewall tweaking script and unit files on all cluster nodes.

  • zone_env (str) – content of firewall zone env file specifying node ip addresses for each cluster zone, as created by ocpnetsplit.zone.ZoneConfig.get_env_file()

  • split (bool) – when true, support for net splits will be included

  • latency (int) – default zone latency created via Linux Traffic Control in ms, when the value is zero, support for latency is not included

  • ( (latency_spec) – py:class`ocpnetsplit.zone.ZoneLatSpec`): specific latency between given zones (optional).


list of dictionaries with MachineConfig spec

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.main.get_zone_config(zone_a, zone_b, zone_c, zone_x_addrs=None)

For each valid ocp-network-split zone name (see ocpnetsplit.zone.ZONES), translate it’s given topology.kubernetes.io/zone label into list of ip addresses of all nodes in the zone.

  • zone_a (str) – value of zone a label

  • zone_b (str) – value of zone b label

  • zone_c (str) – value of zone c label

  • zone_x_addrs (list) – list of ip addresses in external zone x


object with list of node ip addresses for each zone name

ocp network split works with (a, b, …), see ocpnetsplit.zone.ZONES).

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.main.get_zone_config_fromfile(file_content, translate_hostname=True)

Get zone config from ini file, which contains node fqdn entries for each zone.


Simple multi cluster version of command line interface to generate MachineConfig yaml and env file to deploy on OCP/Ceph clusters.

Example usage:

$ ocp-network-split-multisetup zones.ini --mc mc.yaml --env network-split.env

Simple command line interface to schedule given cluster network split.

Example usage:

$ ocp-network-split-sched ab-bc -t 2021-03-18T18:45 --split-len 30
$ ocp-network-split-sched ab-bc

Simple command line interface to generate MachineConfig yaml to deploy to make scheduling network splits possible.

Example usage:

$ ocp-network-split-setup -a arbiter -b d1 -c d2 -o mc.yaml
$ oc create -f mc.yaml
$ oc get mcp
ocpnetsplit.main.run_ssh_node(cmd_list, node, timeout=600)

Run given command on given node via ssh assuming connection details like username and keys are specified via ~/.ssh/config file.

  • cmd_list (list) – a command to run, eg. ["uname", "-a"] will execute uname -a process on the node

  • node (str) – hostname of k8s node where to execute the command

  • timeout (int) – command timeout specified in seconds, optional


ssh stdout, ssh souterr

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.main.schedule_split(nodes, split_name, target_dt, target_length, use_ssh=False)

Schedule start and stop of network split on all nodes of the cluster.

  • nodes (list) – list of all nodes from all zones

  • split_name (str) – network split configuration specification, eg. ab, see ocpnetsplit.zone.NETWORK_SPLITS constant

  • target_dt (datetime) – requested start time of the network split

  • target_length (int) – number of minutes specifying how long the network split configuration should be active

  • use_ssh (bool) – if true, connect to the nodes via ssh; use oc debug node otherwise


ValueError – in case invalid split_name or target_dt is specified.

ocpnetsplit.ocp module

ocpnetsplit.ocp.get_all_node_ip_addrs(node, kubeconfig=None, oc_executable=None)

Get all ip addresses (both internal and external) of given node.

  • node (str) – name of OCP node

  • kubeconfig (str) – file path to kubeconfig (optional, use only if you need to override the default)

  • oc_executable (str) – file path of oc command (optional, use only if you need to override the default)


node ip addressess (as strings)

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.ocp.list_cluster_nodes(zone_name=None, kubeconfig=None, oc_executable=None)

Get cluster nodes of a whole cluster or from given zone only.

  • zone_name (str) – name of k8s topology zone to list nodes within, if not specified, nodes from whole cluster will be listed

  • kubeconfig (str) – file path to kubeconfig (optional, use only if you need to override the default)

  • oc_executable (str) – file path of oc command (optional, use only if you need to override the default)


node ip addressess (as strings)

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.ocp.run_oc(cmd_list, kubeconfig=None, oc_executable=None, timeout=600)

Run given oc command and log all it’s output.

  • cmd_list (list) – oc command to run, eg. ["get", "nodes"] will execute oc get nodes process

  • timeout (int) – command timeout specified in seconds, optional

  • kubeconfig (str) – file path to kubeconfig (optional, use only if you need to override the default)

  • oc_executable (str) – file path of oc command (optional, use only if you need to override the default)


stdout, stderr of the command executed

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.ocp.run_oc_debug_node(cmd_list, node, kubeconfig=None, oc_executable=None)

Run given command on given node via oc debug node.

  • cmd_list (list) – a command to run, eg. ["uname", "-a"] will execute uname -a process on the node

  • node (str) – name of k8s node where to execute the command, with or without node/ prefix

  • kubeconfig (str) – file path to kubeconfig (optional, use only if you need to override the default)

  • oc_executable (str) – file path of oc command (optional, use only if you need to override the default)


cmd_out (combined stdout and stderr of the executed command),

oc_out (output from oc debug process itself)

Return type:


ocpnetsplit.zone module

ocpnetsplit.zone.NETWORK_SPLITS = ('ab', 'bc', 'ab-bc', 'ab-ac', 'ax', 'ax-bx-cx')

Available network split configurations. For every valid network split value, there is a systemd timer unit named network-split-{split}-setup@.timer. Network split configuration consists of list of zone tuples, where each zone tuple represents a disrupted zone connection.

ocpnetsplit.zone.ZONES = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'x')

Stable zone identifiers as defined and used by ocp-network-split.

class ocpnetsplit.zone.ZoneConfig

Bases: object

ZoneConfig is tracking ip addresses of nodes in each cluster zone.

add_node(zone, node)

Add a node ip address into a zone.

  • zone (str) – zone identification (one of ZONES)

  • node (str) – ip address of a node

add_nodes(zone, nodes)

Add list of node ip addresses into a zone.

  • zone (str) – zone identification (one of ZONES)

  • nodes (list) – list of string representation of node ip addresses


Generate content of env file for firewall script.


content of firewall environment file with zone configuration

Return type:



Return set of node ip addresses in given zone.

  • zone (str) – zone identification (one of ZONES), if not

  • specified

  • be (zone filtering is not applied and all nodes will)

  • returned


string representation of node ip addresses of given zone

Return type:


class ocpnetsplit.zone.ZoneLatSpec(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Describe latency values between given zones.

Validation of input latency spec is necessary to catch mistakes as early as possible (debugging the problem later on a live cluster increases cost of debugging and a fix significantly).


Generate command line arguments for network-latency.sh script representing latency spec of this object.


Load latency spec from the given list produced by argparse parser.


latency_spec (list) – List of latency specs from argument parser. Eg.: ['ab=10', 'bc=10'].


Load latency spec from the given dict.

  • latency_spec (dict) – specific latency between given zones, for

  • zones (example {'ab'=11} will represent 22ms RTT latency between)

  • b. (a and)